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Archive for the '6. DAY 2 - Ghez' Category

Somewhere -> Ghez

Posted by Claudio on September 2nd, 2005

Distance: 43km
Altitude difference: 1700m. -> 2300m.
Biking time: 3h:40m

We got in Ghez in the early afternoon, on time for an excellent lunch (some fried rolls and noodles with mutton). Ghez is a very small place, just few restaurants and kiosks. For 2€ we slept in a room attached to the restaurant. We spent the afternoon fixing the bicycles and I managed to get rid of a noious noise in the front derailleur.

A standard bus!!!!

Posted by Simone on September 2nd, 2005

While biking…

Posted by Claudio on September 2nd, 2005

some different views.

Road, river and mountains

Posted by Claudio on September 2nd, 2005

For hours and hours, the same landscape. We are in the wide canyon formed by the Ghez river. The road is always uphill, now some 10-15m/km.The canyon is getting narrower as we approach Ghez …

Road work ahead

Posted by Claudio on September 2nd, 2005

As we start biking in the morning, we are stopped because of some road work ahead. Enough time for eating some noodles in a bar nearby and loading enough water for the day. Of course, all the people are interested in the bikes, not us -)