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Archive for the '14. DAY 10 - Karimabad -> Gilgit' Category

Looking for something ?

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

We had a short break

… and some girls too.

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

Nice kids but…

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

…after we passed they launched some stones to us. It looks like it is the favourite sports of the kids in this area. We have heard that this could happen but we couldn’t believe it. Luckily, we have almost finished the biking part of this trip

Hello kids!!

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

We didn’t have pens for everyone but we promised them to put their photos on the web! Here they are!! cheers

Biking with me ?

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

Some views during the long biking

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

Passing a small village

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

Along the way we passed through this little village. In Pakistan all the life usually happens along the main street of the village as in this case. It was not easy to cross as we had to pay attention to people, other bicycles, cars, buses and trucks. And Pakistani know very well how to use their lound and weird horns.

We found the kitchen!!

Posted by Claudio on September 10th, 2005

Yesterday we rested in Karimabad but today it’s a biking day again!! We woke up rather early and this is what we saw when I went to pick up the bikes. We fount the chef who was… cutting a mutton in the “kitchen” where the bikes were parked.