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Archive for August 28th, 2005

Pulkovo 1

Posted by Claudio on August 28th, 2005

boarding to novosibirsk

Russian old taxi

Posted by Simone on August 28th, 2005

for 500 ruble we are going straight to the airport to catch our tupolev to siberia.

A view over St Petersburg

Posted by Claudio on August 28th, 2005

No doubts: one of the most beautiful city in the world

Excellent hot chocolate in sp :-)

Posted by Claudio on August 28th, 2005

We’ve decided to change our flights and fly one day earlier to novosibirsk. So, we’ll spend the night there and we’ll have some time to visit the city. It’s always nice to have changeable tickets.

Siberia airline hello!

Posted by Simone on August 28th, 2005

tonight we go to siberia. We’ve already changed our plan but i guess it is gonna worth.