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Archive for January, 2010

Polish flirting?

Posted by Administrator on January 27th, 2010

Polish art

Posted by Administrator on January 27th, 2010

Good morning krakow

Posted by Administrator on January 26th, 2010

-15 and a great atmosphere!

Posted by Administrator on January 11th, 2010

Posted by Administrator on January 11th, 2010

Wondering if i could do some skiing down there…

Posted by Administrator on January 11th, 2010

Espresso and calvados venerable at 10000 mt.

Posted by Administrator on January 11th, 2010

while watching the mountains of afghanistan… Priceless

Finally winter conditions

Posted by Administrator on January 3rd, 2010

Lapland or helsinki?

Posted by Administrator on January 1st, 2010

Cold but perfect for cross country skiing

Posted by Administrator on January 1st, 2010